
​Dogs search for Amelia Earheart in
Nikimaroro, Kirbati (North of Fiji)
Equipo Peruano
de Antropologia Forense; Lima, Peru

National Museum
Prague, Czech Republic
Native American Nations
United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria, CA
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, CA
Spokane Tribe of Indians, WA
Kwaaymii, Laguna Band of Indians, CA
Mutsun/Ohlone, CA
Salinan Tribe, CA
Manzanita Band of Kumeyaay Nation, CA
Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, CA
Tolowa Tribe, CA
Blue Lake Rancheria, CA
Federal Agencies
Army Corps
of Engineers

US Forest Service
of Land Management

US Dept. of Veterans
State & County Agencies

Indiana Dept. of Homeland Security
California State Parks

Sacramento Housing
& Re-development Agency

California Dept. of Transportation
Dillon, Montana
Fort Bragg, California
Riverside, California
Mission San Antonio de Padua, Jolon, CA
Mission San Juan Bautista, CA
Mission Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Inés Mission, Solvang, CA
LDS Church, Missouri
LDS Church, Wyoming
Cultural Resource
Management Firms
- First Carbon Solutions, FCS International, Inc.
- Far Western Anthropological Research Group, Inc., Davis, CA
- Applied Earthworks, CA
- Native American Rights Fund, Boulder, CO
- PAR Environmental Services, Inc., Sacramento, CA
- Pacific Legacy, Inc. Berkeley, CA
UC San Diego, California
Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon
University of the Pacific, Stockton, California
Santa Clara University, California